Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Book Review: Sixteen Brides

Sixteen Brides, by Stephanie Grace Whitson is a charming novel about sixteen potential brides in Plum Grove, NE. The only problem is, someone forgot to warn the women that they were signed up to be mail order brides. The women arrive in Plum Grove and are surprised to find out that they were fed a bill of goods about their future in Plum Grove and the exciting things awaiting them. The only exciting thing awaiting them was marriage! But eight of the woman persevered with their original plans and decided to try to make a go of farming and owning their own land. They got adjoining properties and built a house to share and started farming and raising animals. The men in the area were shocked at how well they did and began courting the women.

I can't even begin to get into the various love stories going on in this book. It was complicated. And keeping everyone straight was the one downfall of this great book. I think she should have been a little less ambitious in her desire to try to follow so many of the women in one book. This would have made a great series, but as one book it is just exhausting!

I enjoyed this book, but remembering who was who was a lot of work. I give it a 3 out of 5. But this would have been a 5 out of 5 if it weren't for trying to cram it all into one novel.

Note for Full Disclosure: While I do not receive any monetary compensation for my book reviews, I am provided with free complimentary copies of each book. That being said, this review is completely my own, and free from the influence of Bethany House Book Publishers.

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