Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dang Taco Plate...

I got food poisoning (or at least I think so). I was down for the whole day yesterday and a lot of the night too. today I feel much better, but i am still weak and my stomach hurts (just kind of achey). I seriously might never eat at Rosa's again. Sorry, Rosa's. Your tacos may be cheap and your tortillas may be delicious, but they aren't nearly as good the second time around if you catch my drift...

I planned on blogging something substantial today, but I feel like I got hit by a dumptruck and I have a lot of work to do playing catch up. Sorry if I sound cranky, I am not good at being sick. :)

1 comment:

Sean Hagey said...

yikes. unfortunately i've been there. go easy on the reintroduction of foods. for now stick with toast and applesauce. they don't taste near as bad the second time around. good luck!

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