Question of the day. Which option do you like better? Do you like the logo? Just curious.
This logo is not for this website, per se, but rather for my crafty pursuits should I care to sell them. I hope that makes sense!
Option 1:
Option 2:
Dad and I both like the top one best. We are wondering if the Design& Inspiration should be lowered slightly. It's fine the way it is. Just a thought. Love you, Mom :-)
The shading behind it makes me feel like it's a dark cloud. The top looks so bright and cheery- then theres this dark ominous cloud looming. Hmmm, perhaps I'm being a bit too dramatic.
I would go with the first. It's so clean and classy.
Thanks for your sweet comments over on our blog-- you are right- I SHOULD just go shopping instead of packing! :) But you know how it is, trying to save money and all... packing must happen soon.
Dad and I both like the top one best. We are wondering if the Design& Inspiration should be lowered slightly. It's fine the way it is. Just a thought. Love you, Mom :-)
They look exactly the same to me?
like the second one better. I really like the shading behind the "Design and Inspiration"
The shading behind it makes me feel like it's a dark cloud. The top looks so bright and cheery- then theres this dark ominous cloud looming. Hmmm, perhaps I'm being a bit too dramatic.
I would go with the first. It's so clean and classy.
Thanks for your sweet comments over on our blog-- you are right- I SHOULD just go shopping instead of packing! :) But you know how it is, trying to save money and all... packing must happen soon.
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