Friday, January 1, 2010

All About Carrie

I am a Theology and Philosophy major with a minor in English who went to grad school for a degree in Student Affairs Administration... and I ended up working in public relations--I LOVE it! I love: my hubby, friends that you can just never replace, South Dakota, prairie sunsets, Kenya, candles, books, cuddly cats, iced coffee, coffee, conversations, conversations over coffee, (are you sensing a theme) discovering community, photography, hearing people tell their story, working with at-risk youth, babies, furry animals, white chocolate mochas, sewing, crafting, taking useless stuff and repurposing it, coming up with creative ideas, traveling, playing with kids, making friends smile...

I started Life Undivided as a way to chronicle my life: All parts of it, the good, the bad and the crafty. This blog and my craft business (called Life Undivided Designs) are my attempt at living a genuine and non-compartmentalized life.

I hope you enjoy your time here at the blog. I would love it if you would let me know what you think! My email is If you have any questions, or want to use any of my projects, ideas or images, contact me!


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