What you need:
- Wood or Styrofoam balls (mine was wood with a flat bottom, but you could do a full circle too).
- Preserved Moss (mine was from Michael's - on sale too!)
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Step 1: Get out your supplies. :)

Step 2: Start pulling pieces of moss off the sheet. Put down a little glue and press down the moss. Note: For the perfectionists out there, do NOT freak out. There is no magical "right amount, just break off a bit. You'll cover the naked spots in a minute. Press it down tightly.

Step 3: More glue. More moss.

Step 4: This picture is just to show the view from the bottom. I was making this for myself, so I didn't worry about the bottom. If you were going to make one as a gift I would finish it off with a circle of felt.

Step 5: See the little naked spot at the bottom? Cut just a bit of moss with your scissors and glue it in place. Then play with the fibers a bit to hide the "patched" moss.

All done! That was easy! You'll be amazed at how much heft the moss adds. Make sure the balls you purchase are smaller than your desired finished product. Here is the finished ball with an unfinished ball just for comparison.

I still haven't found the perfect place for this cute thing to live, but I'll try to keep you updated.
Sorry for my blogging absence. It has been C-R-A-Z-Y around here!