Monday, October 1, 2007

My Desperate Attempt at Aunt-hood

I have a new genetic/non-genetic half nephew! Confused?

My Dad is a twin. His identical twin brother is Tim. Tim has two sons, Andy and Danny. Andy is married to Sara. He is technically genetically my half-brother (our Dad's have the same genes - not jeans). A while back they adopted Josiah who is now three, and the cutest kid that ever was! They also just adopted Isaiah who is brand new, and the cutest baby! Thus I have a brand new genetic/non-genetic half nephew!! Hey, when you are an only child, you take what you can get, and I think they are pretty darn cool!

Here is a picture of the happy family! I wish I was in Sioux Falls right now!!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Aw! You'll always be an auntie to our babies. Who else will straighten them out once we're done making them nuts? :-) We still, more than a year later, haven't replaced our favorite babysitters. Instead, we just never leave home without the kiddos. Or, we just never leave home! love you!

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