Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mattress Story

When we were dating, Marc shared with me that in his previous relationship they had struggled with physical boundaries and he didn't want to take any chances with our relationship because it was too important. AW! :)

So, at that point we decided to not kiss until we got engaged (and then, only when we said goodbye at night). We also decided to have a "no-horizontal" rule. The no-horizontal rule is simple. Only one of us could be horizontal at a time. For example, Marc could lay down with his head in my lap, but I had to sit up. Or, I could lay down, but Marc had to sit up. The idea was that it would help set a boundary. It is silly, but it was our rule.

In May before we got married, we went to Unclaimed Freight Furniture to select a mattress. The salesman patiently took us around to each of the mattresses and sold us on their "features." At each of the beds Marc would lay down, get up and then I would lay down. Occasionally we would both be on the bed at the same time, but one of us would sit up as the other laid down to try it out. After several beds, the salesman looked at us quizzically and said, "You know, you CAN both lay down on the bed at the same time, right?" It was hilarious. Of course, I'm sure we looked so stupid to him and to every other salesperson and customer in the store, but to us we were just following the "rules."

After turning red, mumbling something about purity, and buying a mattress, we laughed our heads off. It was hilarious. And the bed selection was great, even if it was selected in an "unconventional" manor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it probably weird for your father to respond to this specific blog about when you and your future husband would lie together on a bed! So we won't go there!

But as a man of God, I have to respond Carrie. One of the things I have ALWAYS respected about you and Marc was the fact that you set some limits prior to marriage. When you got married, you actually had things to look forward to!! The same was true of your mother and I. That is not true of many couples including Christian couples. It appears one can justify about anything anymore in our society!

I can't tell you the number of people who came to your wedding and commented to us about how impressed they were of the purity in your lives!

Thanks for sharing that story! It was cool, funny and made a very good point!


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