Saturday, October 6, 2007

Tutorial: Make Coasters from Old T-Shirt

So here is one cool idea that I got from a book on 101 things to do with a t-shirt. It is made by cutting up an old t-shirt into one long strip and braiding three strands together.

T-shirt Coaster
1. The easiest way I have found is to cut around the body of the shirt in a continuous loop. Kind of like people who can peel an apple in one piece. I usually roll it like a ball of yarn as I cut it. You need a suprising length to do a coaster, so make sure that you take that into acount. When I made the grey one I didn't have long enough strips, so I pieced on another strip. When you are done you cannot see that it was not a continuous strip.

2. Cut three long pieces of t-shirt "yarn" and tightly tie them together in a knot. Then start braiding! It is a great craft for during a long movie (or while my hubby is watching Yankees games).

3. Keep braiding...

4. Keep braiding...

5. You can see how far along you are by occasionally coiling it to see how big it is. When you get to the right size start with the knotted end and tightly coil a small amount and tack sew it.

6. When you get to the end, tuck the last part of the braid (unknotted) under the bottom side of the coaster and sew over the ends several times to be sure it will not start unraveling the braid.

7. I like to make a little flower to spruce it up a bit, but you don't have to. The flower is super easy and makes a great pin for a quick give away!

8. Cut 4 1 1/2 inch long pill shaped pieces of t-shirt. As you sew them on, scrunch the middle a bit to make the flower look more real.

9. When you are finished, make the middle of the flower look more finished by going over it several times with a contrasting thread color.

Isn't this fun?

It is really easy, and a great project! However, it takes a lot of time so consider it a study break thing that you can pace out throughout the week.

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